We are Grooming ​Competent and ​Intentional Talents to

Drive the SDGs in Africa.

June 1st - November 30th 2024


Our Vision is to Reduce the Rate of ​Accidental Career Entry into the ​Social Sector.

Using a dual-training system, we are grooming ​a pool of competent and intentional talent for ​the social sector through multiskilled training, ​mentorship, internship placement, certification, ​and community support.

Social Sector Training ​Programme



The Social Sector Training Programme (SSTP) ​is the flagship programme of SoSec College, ​aimed at preparing competent and intentional ​entry-level professionals for the social sector.

It is a 6-month hands-on training with an ​internship opportunity for undergraduate ​students interested in pursuing a career in the ​social sector.


  • Be a university undergraduate of any level
  • Have a compelling reason for enrolling in ​the training program
  • Demonstrate genuine interest and ​motivation in the social sector
  • Have access to a working laptop and ​internet connection
  • Be willing to dedicate between 3 to 5 hours ​per week to classes
  • Will be available for a 3 months internship


SSTP encompasses 10 core modules that will ​facilitate knowledge, growth, and skill ​development throughout the training period:

  • Introduction to the Social Sector
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Communication and Marketing
  • Compliance and Governance
  • Strategy and Management
  • Product Development and Innovation
  • Project and Programmes Management
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Sustainable Finance and Fundraising
  • Work Ethics


Jobs Icon

Readiness for entry-level ​roles in nonprofits and social ​enterprises

Social Network Icon

Access to a network of ​changemakers across Africa

Mentorship Glyph Icon

Access to mentorship with ​top industry leaders

Ribbon with Star

Certification and recognition as ​a social sector professional

Organizations we have worked with

Our Impact

Report Chart Pointed Line Progress Office Business   Organic Drawn


Ho​urs of Virtual Learning



Hours of Internship

SSTP 2023


Gr​audates in 2023

About Us Outline Illustration


Philip Elobuike

Philip holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer ​Engineering from Michael Okpara University in Abia ​State. He interned at Wetland Cultural and Education ​Foundation, where he made an impact through his ​digital communication and storytelling skills.

“SSTP brought my attention to the SDGs, ​which I was oblivious to for a long time. ​Also, interning with a Nonprofit got me ​closer to the cause (Facilitating Common ​Good).”

Get in touch

Head Offi​ce

2 Ahmed Onibudo Street, Victoria ​Island, Lagos.

Email Address


Phone Number

+234 703 144 7139

An Initiative of Wetland Cultural and ​Education Foundation

© Copyright SoSec College 2024